Fitter, Faster, Stronger.

New Zealand Blackcurrants, the berry fueling athletic efficiency

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Female athlete on starting blocks - high performance

New Zealand Blackcurrants, the berry fueling athletic efficiency.

Benefits of daily use

blackcurrants promote endurance

Increases Endurance

Stimulates vasodilation, increasing blood flow to working muscles.

blackcurrants manage immunity

Supports Immunity

Rich anti-oxidants support better management of oxidative stress.

blackcurrants manage inflammation

Manages inflammation

Improves recovery after exercise when taken before you work out.

blackcurrants manage training adaptation

Promotes adaptation

Packed with adaptogens, helping the body manage stress and restore balance.

What Customers Are Saying

Athlete takes 2before before a running workout Athlete takes 2before before a running workout

Game changing berry

Spotlight on Blackcurrants

Blackcurrant berries grown in New Zealand contain unique and high levels of antioxidants called anthocyanins. Blackcurrant anthocyanins are science-backed and benefit packed to deliver an athletic punch.

blackcurrant powder poured into glass black currant powder poured into glass

How to use

Drink daily before your workout

Combine our natural pre-workout blackcurrant powder with 4-8oz of water and stir to mix. Drink 30-45 minutes before you work out.

Woman running on treadmill woman running on treadmill

About Us

Born from Science

Our co-founders formed part of a team at the New Zealand Plant & Food Research Institute that were the first to discover blackcurrants had benefits for exercise. Blackcurrants have over 15yrs of clinical research detailing their athletic performance benefits.

Drew Hunter - runner and athlete

Professional Runner, USA Champion

"Got me out of my running rut"

Drew Hunter

When I discovered 2before, I was in a running rut. My recovery was suffering, I was getting sick more frequently, and my training runs weren't at the level I knew they were supposed to be. I got into a consistent routine using 2before, and sure enough my body started to show up for me again.

Jocelyn Rivas - Marathon Runner and 2before ambassador

115th Marathon Finisher, 100 Miler, 50 Miler

"Helped me push pace I never thought possible"

Jocelyn Rivas

I started to use 2before 8 months ago and it has been a game changer in my performance and my energy. I went from being a 4:12 marathoner to a 3:38 marathon.

woman with 2before blackcurrant powder

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